Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy

Pregnancy - beautiful, but very important period in a woman's life. When in position, the woman should be especially careful to watch your diet, maybe even diet. True beer diet in this case does not fit.
But during pregnancy, so want to treat yourself to something tasty but not very useful!Very often pregnant women want to drink beer, although we all know that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated. And then comes up with this idea, because if the beer is harmful only to alcohol, then alcohol-free beer may be pregnant?

To get started shall understand: what is non-alcoholic beer, and how it differs from alcohol (in addition to the lack of degrees)?
Alcohol in beer is formed naturally under the influence of brewer's yeast, which ferment maltose (malt sugar) into ethanol.
Non-alcoholic beer produced in different ways:

1. The suppression of fermentation

This is done either by using a special yeast that do not emit alcohol or fermentation is stopped early, while the alcohol content is minimal.
The taste of this beer is far from the taste of beer now. It contains a lot of sugar (since it does not process the yeast), which is also not good for pregnant woman's body.

2. Removing alcohol from the finished beer

It is possible to thermally. Alcohol has a lower boiling point, so it is easy to evaporate from the finished product. But in this case again suffer taste of beer: it gets cooked flavor.
That is, we can conclude that a non-alcoholic beer you can drink for pregnant women, but the pleasure of its taste you get, and the desire to drink "normal" beer will not be lost!
But many non-alcoholic beer to taste like, and say that it practically does not differ from the traditional. How do these taste qualities are achieved? The answer is simple: the addition of flavorings or beer concentrate. In order for these substances in the product, its members are added preservatives. And this is no good not only pregnant, but everything else.
There is also new technology for the production of young beer with a minimum alcohol content - membrane technology. The product, manufactured by this technology - real beer, but with a slight alcohol content (around 0.5%). This is the only non-alcoholic beer can be a full replacement for his alcoholic brother, it has a natural beer flavor and aroma.And you can drink for pregnant women, but in moderation (no more than one bottle a day).

How do you know on what technology is brewed non-alcoholic beer?

When choosing a beer must look at the composition! It should not be anything other than water, malt, hops and yeast. If in addition, there is something else, it means that this beer is "pohimichili." This beer is even trying to not be pregnant.
In general, the most sensible option - drink half a cup of your favorite drink beer! Most likely, the more you and do not want to. But treat yourself once a week or a month a few sips of this beer is much nicer safer than experimenting on their health and the health of your baby, using strange non-alcoholic beer.
It is not recommended to drink beer (no alcohol, no alcohol), if you have a tendency to edema, kidney problems - the beer can only exacerbate this problem.
If any problems with the kidneys, no - that drinking on health. Half a glass of beer you'll get the same amount of alcohol, how many liters of kefir and from! But somehow the yogurt pregnant no one stops ... Also, doctors recommend that pregnant women sometimes drink a glass of red wine: and since there are more alcohol than the beer.
Remember the first principles of good nutrition: a measure of all things! If you do not abuse it, then you can eat and drink anything, even during pregnancy. Especially during pregnancy. After all, as you know, just want to pregnant what is missing her body. So indulge yourself safe!